National Recovery Month



In honor of the members we have lost to AIDS within our community, LNE created the Panuelos Workshop. The “panuelos” (Spanish for handkerchief) symbolize our tears and mourning. The Panuelos Workshop borrow from and adapt the Latino tradition of decorating handkerchiefs to commemorate loved ones who have passed. Families from throughout our community participate in our Panuelos Workshop annually.

LNE’S Dolls of Hope workshop promotes confidence and self-esteem within the hearts and minds of mothers and daughters by encouraging and supporting healthy parent-child relationships. Participants engage in fun ice breakers, a mirror reflection activity, and the creation of beautiful dolls in the image of themselves.

You will see LNE staff pounding the pavement multiple times a week during our street outreach efforts. During street outreach, LNE engages in structured substance use/abuse and HIV prevention activities in both English and Spanish. Given our client population, LNE staff are often found in street locations frequented by substance users. Ready with sandwiches and coffee, we also aim to meet our clients where they are, and that means taking our work to the streets of Brooklyn.

LNE believes it is important for our law enforcement officials to clearly understand the population we serve. To achieve this goal, LNE works closely with the NYPD to increase awareness regarding the populations we service and disseminate information that will provide our law enforcement officials with the knowledge and skillsets they need to best care for the members of our community.

Seniors citizens are often a neglected population when it comes to substance use/abuse and HIV prevention and care services. LNE travels to senior centers located in the neighborhoods we serve to provide group services aimed at addressing issues and raising awareness related to substance use/abuse and HIV/AIDS.