LNE staff use Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) to provide direct individual and group services to clients. According to the REBT framework, human beings have both innate rational and irrational tendencies. REBT is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) developed by psychologist Albert Ellis. It is an action-oriented approach that focuses on helping people deal with irrational beliefs and learn how to manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in a healthier, more realistic way. REBT helps people recognize and alter those beliefs and negative thinking patterns, to overcome psychological problems and mental distress. LNE staff use REBT to teach clients how to identify irrational and self-defeating beliefs and replace them with healthier and more rational beliefs, with the hope of building a lasting positive and healthy mindset.
Our MSA program takes a holistic approach to caring for our clients – not only addressing the physical symptoms, but also their mental and emotional well-being. Our staff provides targeted prevention and high-impact supportive services to people living with HIV and individuals at high risk of HIV transmission.
The aim of the MSA program is to empower clients with the knowledge and skillsets necessary to decrease risky sexual and drug-using behaviors, encourage HIV awareness, testing, and treatment adherence, so that clients may lead their healthiest lives. Our interventions are designed to help clients achieve their goals and live fulfilling lives. By participating in our MSA program, you can take control of your health and well-being. The program provides referral to HIV, HCV, and STI testing, HIV linkage to care and navigation, psychoeducational and therapeutic group programming, supportive counseling, condom distribution, and education. Effective LNE intervention provided under our MSA program include:
LNE’s IDI program aims to educate HIV-negative individuals or those unaware of their HIV status about HIV transmission and personal risk behaviors. The program conducts face-to-face risk assessments to gauge the individual’s knowledge and willingness to change risky behaviors. Enrolled individuals are taught skills to minimize or eliminate behaviors that may increase their risk for HIV transmission. All written materials for this program are available in English and Spanish.
Group interventions have emerged as a powerful tool in promoting personal growth and facilitating positive change. LNE has designed a series of 6-week structured groups for residents of El Regreso’s substance abuse in-patient Men’s and Women’s treatment facilities. The group setting has time and again proven to be effective, as it helps individuals overcome their shyness and benefit from the experiences of others who have developed the ability to speak openly and publicly about sensitive matters concerning their overall health. The program has been successful over the years, and LNE has witnessed how group interventions can be powerful in helping individuals overcome their inhibitions and improve their overall health.
LNE’s Health Navigation Services (HNS) initiative provides referral and accompaniment services to individuals living with HIV and those at high risk of HIV transmission, that aim to see them reintegrate into society effectively and without stigma or social difficulty. Our staff is dedicated to guiding clients through the process of accessing the care they need.
Beyond these interactive-meeting options, LNE also offers Telehealth services to those unable to leave their homes.
A Narcan Kit is a First Aid Kit
Our opioid overdose prevention Outreach Staff provides overdose prevention trainings and distributes Narcan kits to active substance users/abusers and their peers, friends, and family members in the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Williamsburg, Bushwick, and Greenpoint. The goal of this outreach is to educate individuals on how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose, as well as provide them with the necessary tools to prevent a fatal overdose. Narcan is a medication that can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and save lives. If you or someone you know is at risk of an opioid overdose, it is important to have Narcan on hand. Our Outreach Staff is dedicated to providing these resources to those who need them most.

Our SCG program provides targeted case management services to affected individuals with a focus on Latinx and African Americans living with HIV and their family members. The program aims to improve clinical outcomes by focusing on linkage to HIV primary care and improved adherence to medical regiments. Clients of this program may face literacy and language barriers, have a history of substance use or are actively consuming alcohol and/or illicit drugs, and are at risk of disengagement in HIV primary care. Services are offered both at LNE and in the clients’ home.
LNE provides comprehensive food and nutrition services to clients living with HIV who are food insecure, at risk for malnutrition, and in need of food and nutrition counseling services. These services are offered through congregate meals, pantry bag distribution, and homebound client meal delivery services. LNE FNS staff offer clients freshly cooked, nutritionally sound breakfast, lunch, and dinner options Monday through Friday. Congregate meals are served in a group setting where clients can socialize while enjoying their meals. Pantry bag distribution is a service where clients can receive bags of groceries that contain nutritious food items such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products. Homebound client meal delivery services are provided to clients who are unable to leave their homes due to physical or mental challenges. LNE FNS staff deliver freshly cooked meals to these clients’ homes.